Academic Structure

EmeraldField is divided into four year-groups: Early Years (including the Crèche), Grade School, Junior High School and the Senior High School.

The Early Years formal school starts at Playgroup at 2-3 years old after Crèche, and ends at Kindergarten (4-5 years) while Grade School starts at Transition (Primary 1) 5-6 years and ends at Grade 5 (Primary 6) 10-11 years.

The High School is divided into Junior High School (JSS 1 – JSS 3) and Senior High School (SSS 1 – SSS 3). Students are typically admitted at 10 years and leave at 15 -16 years.

Each of the schools is headed by a Coordinator who reports to the Head of Academics.


Crèche Supervisor: Ms. Lucy O'Neill

Early Years Coordinator: Ms. Blessing Etuk

Grade Classes Coordinator: Mrs. Ofonimie Eshiet

School Matron : Mrs. Theresa Archibong